Exhibition - Opening Reception
Oct 07 07:00 PM - Oct 07 10:00 PM
Creature of what You are
Oct 07 - Nov 05
Creature of what You are My father once told me that you are a creature of what you are, and a creature of what you come from. People are made up of all the memories, all the experiences, all the blood of people past. He told me that it’s what draws everyone to do the things they do and that it helps the understanding of why. Creature of What You Are is an exhibition focused on artists currently exploring the theme of connection, specifically within the familial unit. The philosophies behind a family come from the connections people share with each other. Connections of shared relationships, shared experiences, or a shared home; emotional ties between individuals that are unbreakable. Observation of the intimacy between people who are connected on multidimensional levels will present a complexity that is strong yet familiar. The investigation into this bond helps people understand themselves; identity can be found by looking backwards and inward. This exhibition will have an enduring quality that portrays the artist’s ties to the subjects and the subjects’ ties to each other. It will create a timeless innate story in which the viewer travels the vast landscape of a psychosomatic narrative that a family emanates.
Day and Night Studios
585 Wells St. SW Atlanta, GA 30312 - Google Maps
ACP Listing #: 64
© 2016, Atlanta Celebrates Photography.